Tertulia a distancia entre el Dr Carrier y un servidor
………. Pron55 200 17 hours ago ….. Tertulia a distancia entre el Dr Carrier y un servidor
…..Fernando Conde Torrens 3 hours ago …. Tertulia a distancia entre el Dr Carrier y un servidor
………. PD: La traduzco al inglés, para facilitar su lectura a quien proceda.
Tertulia a distancia entre el Dr Carrier y un servidor…. Translation … Tertulia a distancia entre el Dr Carrier y un servidor
………. It is the opinion of somebody that defend his reconstruction. It is the same that propagators do. Dr. Carrier is in the right way, in the Reality, when he defend thar Jesus Christ is a myth. And so, admiration and praises for him. But he tried to go farer, fixing the date when Gospels were writen. In this intent he has been tricked. [In this aspect he still is in the old and wrong way of thinking.]
………. ¿Why?Because to do that is much more difficult than to demonstrate, by several logical indications, thar Jesus Christ is a myth.
………. ¿In what an aspect is he mistaken? Because ha had accepted a propagator ´s lie: He had accepted that papyrus P52 was writen en year 125. THIS IS NOT TRUE. So, he has, as limit of time, year 70 ( because of Marc 13, the destruction of Jerusalem by romans, being this one of what is called «vaticina ex eventu«). It means that Marc was writen AFTER YEAR 70. Being Marc the first or Gospel to be writen.
………. Last date for the Gospels to be writen: Before year 125, when a little fragment of the Gospel of John was already in a place as far as Egypt. That means that John had indeed writen his Gospel not later that year 100. So betwen years 70 and 100 the whole Gospels were writen, since John, according everybody, was the last one to be writen.
………. The mistake is that P52 wad supposedly «dated» by «Paleography», similar letters. And this is not a datation, but only the opinion of somebody – even- paid by the papyrus´s owner. And so, interested. See, with an automatical translator,
Please, this is a message for Dr. Carrier.
Tertulia a distancia entre el Dr Carrier y un servidor Tertulia a distancia entre el Dr Carrier y un servidor Tertulia a distancia entre el Dr Carrier y un servidor
Tertulia a distancia entre el Dr Carrier y un servidor Tertulia a distancia entre el Dr Carrier y un servidor Tertulia a distancia entre el Dr Carrier y un servidor
Tertulia a distancia entre el Dr Carrier y un servidor Tertulia a distancia entre el Dr Carrier y un servidor Tertulia a distancia entre el Dr Carrier y un servidor
Tertulia a distancia entre el Dr Carrier y un servidor Tertulia a distancia entre el Dr Carrier y un servidor Tertulia a distancia entre el Dr Carrier y un servidor
Este comentario suyo señor Conde no dice nada, más bien usted ignora que los evangelios no fueron escritos por los supuestos autores sino por seguidores de estos, décadas después.*
Puede contactar usted mismo a Richard Carrier:
Facebook: richard.carrier.phd .
Correo electrónico: richard.carrier@icloud.com .
Correo: PO Box: 7731, Ventura, CA 93006.
Teléfono: (510) 932-9536.